36 - Three Davy Crockett Records.Van Eaton Galleries
(RCA/Golden, 1950s) A trio of Davy Crockett records by RCA and Golden Record. Included are two Little Golden Records featuring “The Ballad of
Bidding Has ConcludedSold to M*********3 for (40.00 + 10.00BP) = 50.00
48 - A 100 Years of Walt Disney Print.Van Eaton Galleries
(Disney, 2001) A limited edition print celebrating Walt Disney's centennial, featuring Disney characters and those of Warner Bros., Hanna Barber...
Bidding Has ConcludedSold to s*********n for (60.00 + 15.00BP) = 75.00
56 - A 1957 Complete Guide to Disneyland.Van Eaton Galleries
(Disneyland, 1957) An early Complete Guide to Disneyland book. The 27-page souvenir guidebook provides illustrations, full-color photographs, and maps
Bidding Has ConcludedSold to m********M for (60.00 + 15.00BP) = 75.00
58 - A 1968 Disneyland Souvenir Map.Van Eaton Galleries
(Disneyland, 1968) A large souvenir map of Disneyland from 1968, the first to show Adventure Thru Inner Space and to omit the House of the Future. Mea
Bidding Has ConcludedSold to g********i for (80.00 + 20.00BP) = 100.00
59 - A Howdy-Doody Marionette.Van Eaton Galleries
(Peter Puppet Playthings, 1950s) A Howdy Doody marionette with controller. Measuring 15” tall (not including strings), the marionette is in g
Bidding Has ConcludedSold to b*******8 for (35.00 + 8.75BP) = 43.75
74 - A Jose Carioca Production Cel.Van Eaton Galleries
(Disney, 1960s) An original production cel of Jose Carioca from a Disney TV cartoon of the 1960s. The cel is trimmed to character measuring 5.75
Bidding Has ConcludedSold to K*o for (200.00 + 50.00BP) = 250.00
78 - A Man on Bike Production Cel.Van Eaton Galleries
(Disney, 1950s-1960s) An original production cel of a man on a bicycle from an unknown project. With an image size of 4.5” x 6” on a
Bidding Has ConcludedSold to j****k for (20.00 + 5.00BP) = 25.00